
Politeia is een tweetalige uitgeverij die kwaliteitspublicaties aanbiedt voor professionals in de publieke sector. Ze organiseren ook trainingen, workshops, seminars en conferenties. De klanten van Politeia zijn voornamelijk medewerkers in de politie, justitie, lokale overheden, onderwijs, gezondheidszorg en andere non-profitgebieden. De klanten van Politeia zijn voornamelijk medewerkers in de politie, justitie, lokale overheden, onderwijs, gezondheidszorg en andere non-profitgebieden. Haar missie is om de expertise van haar klanten te verrijken door via haar publicaties een dienstverlening “op maat” aan te bieden.

Politeia is samen met Pinakes - specialist in contactgegevens van de publieke sector - en Academic & Scientific Publishers (ASP) - een academische uitgeverij op wetenschappelijk gebied de referentie voor data en uitgaven in de academische en publieke sector.

Business Solution
Service Companies
إدارة عامة
10 - 15
الموقع الإلكتروني

ادارة العلاقات العامة
عملية الجرد
موقع إلكتروني


The biggest challenge for Politeia is managing their various subscriptions and plans. There are two types of purchasing possibilities for Politeia customers:

1. Yearly subscription with automatic delivery of each new issue. The customer is billed annually.

2. Continuous subscription with invoicing when each new publication is sent.

All publications are available in print and/or digital version.

Eezee-it has proposed Politeia a solution via Odoo with the aim of streamlining processes, consolidate all information and actions and reducing information loss.


Politeia aims to centralize various information with the assistance of Eezee-it and implement an integrated tool in order to automate and optimize daily work. The integration of sales data with accounting using Odoo's subscription module forms Politeia wishes to centralize, with the help of Eezee-it, the various information and set up an integrated tool in order to automate and optimize daily work.

The unification between sales data and accounting via the Odoo subscription module is the basis of the project.

This makes it easier to track the request based on subscription type and publication type. The sales flow is integrated in order to optimize the subscription sales process as well as their renewal.
Odoo's autonomous accounting solution makes it possible to simplify daily operations since the entire system is centralized.


Politeia can now easily navigate between their different sales plans while simplifying internal processes. Depending on the purchase order, several possibilities are automated (subscription type, number of publications per month, print or digital version, non-subscription mode, recurrence created based on the subscription, invoicing linked to the type of order, invoice generation and delivery, etc.). In addition, logistics, storage, and transportation are also automated. The entire process is linked to accounting for simple and centralized management through Odoo.

In future project: the development of a website and an e-commerce solution via Odoo that will be implemented by Eezee-it.

Thomas Steisel
مدير المشروع

اسأل سؤالك اطلب اقتباس
ادارة العلاقات العامة
عملية الجرد
موقع إلكتروني

مراجع مماثلة

Thomas Steisel