Centre Indépendant d'Aide Sociale

The CIAS is an NPO, affiliated to the Partena group. It provides a series of services to help families live at home despite medical difficulties.

One of its main missions is to rent suitable medical equipment for people who want to stay at home. CIAS also proposes advices from ergo therapist or social workers who help families living at home.

Business Solution
Service Companies
Distribution & Retail
صحة / اجتماع
50 - 249
الموقع الإلكتروني

ادارة العلاقات العامة
تجارة إلكترونية
تعلم إلكتروني
عملية الجرد
تسيير المشروع
أوراق الحضور
موقع إلكتروني


The CIAS is experiencing strong growth in demand due to a favorable context. Current management systems no longer meet the needs and size of the business. Inventory management is unreliable, rental contracts are unclear, communication with customers is mainly done by phone and many processes are still manual. Accounting is not integrated into the logistics process.

A serious digital transformation is necessary to give the company a new vision and to face the challenges of the future.

The key to success for CIAS lies in the integration of different applications. Orders can be entered directly via web forms integrated into CRM and the sales cycle. The rental module tracks rental items and automatically generates billing for subscriptions. Thanks to the inventory module, the CIAS has a very clear view of the inventory levels either in stores or at customer’s places.

All commercial and logistics operations are directly integrated into the accounting allowing rapid closure of accounts and availability of performance indicators combining operational and financial aspects.

Following an analysis by workshops which made it possible to imagine the new processes, the system was installed in less than 4 months for 30 users. A successful challenge thanks to the involvement of the whole team and an open mind to change.

Through this integration, CIAS has greatly accelerated its processes for the benefit of its clients and families.
Toussaint Delacroix
مدير المشروع

اسأل سؤالك اطلب اقتباس
ادارة العلاقات العامة
تجارة إلكترونية
تعلم إلكتروني
عملية الجرد
تسيير المشروع
أوراق الحضور
موقع إلكتروني

مراجع مماثلة

Centre Indépendant d'Aide Sociale
Service Companies, Distribution & Retail
Centre Indépendant d'Aide Sociale
Toussaint Delacroix